ChatGPT Detector

Detect AI Content from Different Writing Tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, Jasper AI, Gemini and many more.

Your Content
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Generation failed, please regenerate.

AI generates probabilistic detection in

Checking if the text is AI-generated. Please wait for 5-10 seconds. ...

The output content seems to be human-written.

Checking result:

  • GPTzero GPTzero
  • Copyleaks Copyleaks
  • ZeroGPT ZeroGPT
  • Crossplag Crossplag
  • Sapling Sapling
  • Writer Writer
  • Content at Scale Content at Scale
50% Human-written
The output content seems to be AI-generated.

Checking result:

  • GPTzero GPTzero
  • Copyleaks Copyleaks
  • ZeroGPT ZeroGPT
  • Crossplag Crossplag
  • Sapling Sapling
  • Writer Writer
  • Content at Scale Content at Scale
50% Human-written

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Truly undetectable AI writing

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Why Need ChatGPT Detector

As AI-generated content rises, it's crucial to ensure authenticity, especially in academia. Students increasingly use AI for assignments, and AI-written articles appear in academic journals, raising concerns.

AI detectors help verify human-generated content, benefiting educators, information security, online communication, media, and journalism. It's time to address the challenges of AI content creators and take action to mitigate their impact.

Why Need ChatGPT Detector-ChatArt

Features of ChatGPT Detector


Unmatchable Accuracy and Speed

ChatGPT Detector has greater than 99% accuracy with next to no false positive percentage, the lowest rate of any platform so far.


Coverage of All AI models

AI detection is performed across various AI models such as ChatGPT, Claude, Gemini, etc. Can actively detect content from newer models once they are released.


Accurate Detection of Paraphrased and Plagiarized Content

ChatGPT Detector boasts high confidence in the detection of AI-generated text that has been paraphrased or plagiarized.



An AI-checker that is convenient to use and has a very simple outlook, making detection of AI content efficient and quick.


Unlimited Number of Checks

Perform as many AI checks with the ChatGPT detector as you want, free of cost.


Guaranteed Confidentiality

With the ChatGPT detector, your uploaded content remains absolutely private. The data is never shared or stored.

Features of AI Humanizer


Automation of Manual Processes

AI detectors automate manual processes through their machine-learning capabilities and can quickly analyze massive amounts of data to make predictions. This eliminates the need for manual analysis of data, saving valuable resources and time. This means you don’t need to skim through all the content on your own to confirm its authenticity.


Increasing Trust

AI checkers allow for the identification of AI-generated content so that the customers, readers, and stakeholders can clearly know who developed the content, a human author or an AI model. This lets businesses bring authenticity and reliability to their written materials.


Ensuring Uniqueness and Originality

Originality is a vital ingredient for everything. With AI detectors, guarantee that your style and content are unique. These checkers confirm that the content at hand was created by a human brain, not AI, which merely repeats existing patterns. Deliver distinctive and fresh materials.


Maintenance of Credibility

Avoid risking your reputation when promoting or publishing unreliable AI-generated content. AI detectors ensure that the content available is transparent and adheres to ethical practices. Moreover, they also allow avoidance of risks because of potential misinformation, plagiarism, and fake sources, which are quite possible when using a few AI models.


Content Moderation

AI text detectors can efficiently identify fake product reviews, AI-generated spam, and low-quality content, which allows moderators to remove and review such content in a timely manner. It assists in the maintenance of your publication or platform’s trustworthiness and integrity.


Embrace AI Transparently

AI content detectors are not sheer villains against AI-generated content. In fact, they can assist users in unlocking the full potential of artificial intelligence. They enable organizations to embrace AI content as transparently and responsibly as possible.

How to Use AI Checker

Step 1: Add the Content

Access ChatArt’s SEO Inspection & Optimization feature.

To check AI-generated content with its AI detector, you simply need to open the Detector tab and paste the content that needs to be checked in the window provided.

Step 2: Check the AI Rating

You will instantly get the AI score.

Step 3: Adjust the Content Accordingly

Once the AI content has been detected, you can go on to do what is needed, such as rewriting and humanizing the AI-generated content.


1. How accurate is an AI detector?

AI detectors are tools that employ advanced algorithms to recognize differences between human writing and AI-generated content. They can be trusted to bring out accurate AI scores with a remarkably low false positivity rate.

2. Are AI detectors free to use?

Yes. Most AI detectors are accessible free of charge. Any content can be scanned, and accurate AI scores can be acquired as often as required without paying any premiums. It is a perfect option for users who have a limited budget

3. Are AI detectors free to use?

The AI score on any content is shown as a percentage between 0 to 100%. The higher the percentage, the higher the likelihood that the text has been generated through AI.

4. Can AI detectors be used to improve text?

Usually, AI detectors cannot improve text after AI content is detected. However, some advanced AI checkers can also enhance the text.

5. Is uploading my content on AI detectors safe?

AI checkers have a stringent policy regarding the confidentiality of AI data. Any content that is uploaded for scanning remains absolutely secure.

6. Does the AI detector specify the AI model used?

AI detectors cannot specify the AI model used in content creation. They can only distinguish between human and AI-generated content.

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