How to Use ChatArt‘s Free Novel Generator?
Feeling stuck with writer's block while working on your novel? Want to generate a novel quickly? Use ChatArt's free novel generator, which only requires 3 simple steps.

Enter the Title and Select the Novel Genre
Go to the ChatArt official website and choose the Free Novel Generator. After that, you will be directed to the editing page. Start by filling in the title you've come up with for your novel. Since the title serves as the first impression of your novel, it's best if it can capture the reader's attention without being overly complex or obscure. Once you've filled in the novel title, select the "novel genre" and "narrative tone." ChatArt's Free Novel Generator offers several "novel genres" for you to choose from as per your needs.
Fill in the Novel Description
After completing the step 1, you can enter your envisioned novel outline in the "Novel Outline" input field. It's best for the novel outline to include character introductions, background settings, conflict points, climaxes, and endings. The clearer and more detailed your description in this section, the higher the readability of the novel generated by this novel generator. If you don't have a pre-set novel outline at the moment, using it to gather novel ideas is also a good option.

Generate the Novel with a Single Click and Save
After completing the two preceding steps, all you need to do is click the "Generate" button to obtain a novel. On the novel generation page, you can edit it and then save it.